Oxford, English, 語学留学、オクスフォード、英語



Luke`s ENGLISH Podcast. ルークス-イングリッシュ-ポッドキャスト!!


Today what I`m introducing is  Luke`s ENGLISH Podcast.






Luke Thompson is a person who is teaching English in a language school in London.

He is a very funny person who always try to make us excited, not bored.



In some episodes he interview the Londoner, play some roles as a sherlock homes which is interesting.



  • Very clear english and slowly
  • There`re so various topics that you can`t be fed up with it..
  • You can download in advance so you can listen outside even if you don`t have any phone contract.

I was listening on the way to a school every day.


  • とてもクリアで聞きやすい英語です。
  • 事前にダウンロードできるので、携帯の契約をしていない状態でもwifiの有るところでダウンロードし、外出先で聞くことも可能です!!


Language change in library. 市内の図書館で言語交換イベント!!

There are some event for your English learner but actually it is a bit difficult to find them on your own.

Joining the event , talking to new people is critical to improve your English.



Quite often people hung out with same guys day in day out. I don`t think this is good because you have to get used to various kinds of accents.My advise is 

Don`t be shy!!



What I'm writing today is

The Language Cafe in a westgate library.

Language Cafe – Oxfordshire


  • Located in very city center!!
  • You can make local friend.
  • It`s free!! And you don`t need to book in advance. Just drop in!!

私が今日紹介するのは、The language cafe です。お勧めする3つの理由。

  • 市内に位置しており、行きやすい。
  • 現地の方々とも触れ合える。
  • 無料。尚且つ事前に予約する必要もないです。初めての方でも暖かく迎えてくれるので足を運んでみて下さい。


I`d been joining for about 5months before I got my job. I`m 100% sure this will be your help!!

THE IT CROWD 最高のイギリス英語教材【SITCOM】!!


It is crucial to find some good, interesting materials for you so that you can enjou studying English.


The most important thing is to find the way that you can enjoy!!



I`m writing for introducing the materials that I`ve been using for my english study.

This time I`m introducing a british sit-com which I love and actually is very useful.


The IT Crowd 

  • Clear English. 
  • you can listen three types of accent which are Irish , london , nerd.
  • hilarious and very short seasons(each season has 7 episodes) which mean that you can watch several times without any difficulty.
  1. 聞きやすい英語
  2. 3種類のイギリス英語アクセント;アイルランド、ロンドン、ナード(日本でいうオタクに近い)を学ぶことが出来ます。
  3. 大変面白く、そして短い。その為、何回も繰り返し見ることができる。これは英語学習教材の要素として最も大事である。


Welcome to Oxford.


Every Year and month, loads of people come to Oxford with various purposes. Main ones are studying in universities and studying English in language schools.




But I think most of people waste their oppotunities.



Here you are in Oxford. Why don`t you make use of the oppotunities the most!! I`m curerntly studying English here and I`ve found a lot of chips for studying English.

あなたは今、夢のオクスフォードでいるのです!! その機会を最大限に活かしましょう。 私自身ここに早6か月ほど英語を勉強している身ですが、その中でオクスフォードで英語を勉強するからこそのヒントを多く得ました。


I`m writing to share them with the people who is already here and people who are planing to come here to study English. I hope this will be help for you.
